eye swipe shut – welcome home


23.03. – 05.05.24

Multimedia installation view eye swipe shut – welcome home at Stapflehus Weil am Rhein

Aluminium bars, polymorph, acrylic, nylon, thread, wire, HD video, audio, back-projection screen, mirror, artificial hair, infra-red light, 500cm x 220 cm x 300 cm

This multimedia installation explores the concept of grief, loss and melancholy at the interface of the virtual world and the analogue, concrete space within a protected and sensory space. A walk-in human body, represented by a textile, translucent, skin-coloured shell with hair in the shape of a house, will be accessible from the entrance of the exhibition space via a tube (the umbilical cord) made of the same materiality. There is an opening in the body (house) that allows the viewer to look through a kind of window onto a large-format projection of moving, Ki-generated images and CGI s, which is located outside the house. Real experiences of grief are translated into digital environments, texts and abstract sounds within the video work in order to convey individual feelings of grief in its various stages. This work evokes experiential spaces that allow for the exploration of one’s own deep and intimate emotions and explores the engagement with one’s own body in a constantly evolving digital and analogue environment.

„swipe my pain“, HD Video 1920×1080, audio, 14:50 min, 2023, soundwork by Floris Maniscalco

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